A friendly company

The offer is valid for direct booking at the hotel and one-time payment of rooms by one guest.

Discounts cannot be combined with the loyalty program and other discounts of the hotel.

The promotion is valid only for direct bookings.

The offer includes:

- 10% discount on all booked rooms for one-time bookings of 3 or more Superior rooms

- Lounge area with free Sony Playstation

Book a room
On our official website you will find the most favorable rates for you. Book your stay and enjoy the moment with MG Hotels.


Sales office opening hours 10:00 to 22:00

The Rooms Boutique Hotel Mandarin Moscow Hotel Vnukovo Village 4 Resort and Entertainment Complex Crocuss Tushino Rublevka Village Hotel
Sales office opening hours 10:00 to 22:00
+7 (499) 110-01-55

23 Olkhovskaya Street, Moscow, 105066, Russia.,

Krasnoselskaya, Baumanskaya, Komsomolskaya metro stations, Three Railway Stations Square

Working hours
Hotel: Open 24/7
Restaurant: Open 24/7
+7 (499) 110-01-55 +7 (963) 763-55-11 (calls, WA, Viber, TG) reservation@hotelmandarin.ru +7 (499) 110-01-66 banket@hotelmandarin.ru gm@hotelmandarin.ru
© 2025 

The Mandarin Moscow 4★ Hotel is a hotel near Krasnoselskaya metro station. Spacious rooms, restaurant, conference hall.
