Special offer for creative people
- live audience
- willingness to share content with us
- posting stories/posts/videos about our hotel/restaurant/fitness room, etc. on your site with a mention
- the possibility of marking co-authorship
We are interested in posting on sites such as:
- Telegram
- Instagram*
*is a product of Meta*, which is an extremist organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Vkontakte
In return, we will provide:
- Free accommodation in the room of the selected category (breakfast included in the room)
- Free number for photo/video shooting
- Mark your profile on our social networks
and not only that (individual terms of cooperation with each partner)
How to start a collaboration:
Write to the post office smm.mghotels@gmail.com and our SMM specialist will contact you.
23 Olkhovskaya Street, Moscow, 105066, Russia.,
Krasnoselskaya, Baumanskaya, Komsomolskaya metro stations, Three Railway Stations Square
23 Olkhovskaya Street, Moscow, 105066, Russia.,
Krasnoselskaya, Baumanskaya, Komsomolskaya metro stations, Three Railway Stations Square